Home Theories Trivialisation effect

Trivialisation effect

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Sure! The trivialization effect is a cognitive bias where people tend to see less important or less valuable things as more important or valuable than they really are. This cognitive bias can affect how people make decisions and perceive the world around them. For example, people might think that a product is more valuable or worth spending money on when it's presented in a more attractive or flattering way, even if the product doesn't truly offer much value or benefit. Understanding this bias can help you create more effective marketing strategies that appeal to people's natural tendencies to assign value and importance to even small details.

Table of contents:
  1. Understanding the Trivialisation Effect
  2. Leveraging the Trivialisation Effect
  3. Avoiding Negative Effects
  4. Conclusion

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Trivialisation Effect: How small details can make a big impact on user behavior

As conversion rate optimizers, we're always looking for ways to influence user behavior on a website. One powerful tool in our arsenal is cognitive bias, which is the tendency for the human brain to favor certain patterns of thinking over others.

One cognitive bias that is particularly relevant to CRO is the trivialisation effect. This is the tendency for people to judge important decisions based on small, irrelevant details.

Understanding the Trivialisation Effect

The trivialisation effect is based on the idea that people have limited mental resources, so they often rely on heuristics to make decisions. In many cases, these heuristics work well, allowing us to make quick, accurate decisions without having to think too hard.

However, when it comes to important decisions such as making a purchase or filling out a form, these heuristics can lead us astray. For example, someone may decide not to buy a product simply because they don't like the color of the "buy now" button.

While this may seem like a small detail, it can have a big impact on the user's decision-making process. This is why it's important to pay attention to even the smallest details when designing a website.

Leveraging the Trivialisation Effect

To leverage the trivialisation effect in your own website designs, it's important to understand which details are most likely to influence user behavior. Some common examples include:

  • Color choices: Using colors that evoke positive emotions can encourage users to take action.
  • Font choices: The right font can make text more readable and engaging, leading to better conversions.
  • Button text: The language used on buttons can have a big impact on how users perceive the action being taken.
  • Social proof: Including social proof on a website can make users feel more confident in their decision to take action.

By paying attention to these details, you can increase the likelihood that users will take the desired action on your website.

Avoiding Negative Effects

However, it's important to keep in mind that the trivialisation effect can also have negative impacts on user behavior. For example, if a user sees a small mistake on a website, such as a misspelled word or broken link, they may lose trust in the site and decide not to take any further action.

To avoid these negative impacts, it's important to carefully review your website for any small mistakes or design flaws that could negatively impact user decision-making.


The trivialisation effect is a powerful cognitive bias that can have a big impact on user behavior. By understanding this bias and leveraging it in your own website designs, you can increase conversions and improve user experience. However, it's important to avoid negative impacts by carefully reviewing your website for any small mistakes or design flaws.

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