Home Theories Reactance


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Reactance is a cognitive bias that occurs when people feel that their freedom to make choices is being threatened or limited. When individuals believe that their ability to choose or act according to their wishes is being restricted, they tend to rebel or react against that restriction. This resistance can take various forms, such as engaging in the activity that is restricted or expressing an opposite opinion. Reactance is a powerful subconscious force that marketers and designers need to understand to create persuasive messages and designs that do not trigger reactance in the users.

Table of contents:
  1. What is Reactance?
  2. How Reactance Affects Website Visitors
  3. Using Reactance to Your Advantage
    1. 1. Provide options and flexibility
    2. 2. Avoid using strong language
    3. 3. Frame choices as opportunities rather than restrictions
    4. 4. Provide social proof
  4. Conclusion

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The Cognitive Bias of Reactance: How to Use it to Improve Your Website's Conversion Rate

As a marketer, developer, or UX designer, your ultimate goal is to get your website visitors to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or submitting a form. However, sometimes visitors can be resistant to taking those actions, even if it's in their best interest. This is where the cognitive bias of reactance comes in.

What is Reactance?

Reactance is a psychological phenomenon in which individuals feel a sense of anger, resistance, or even rebellion when they perceive their freedom or autonomy is being threatened or restricted. This means that if you try to persuade someone to do something, they may become more resistant to the idea if they feel like their options are limited, their control is being taken away, or they're being told what to do.

How Reactance Affects Website Visitors

Reactance can have a significant impact on website visitors and their decision-making process. For example, if your website gives the impression that you're trying to manipulate or control the visitor's behavior, they may become suspicious or even angry, which can lead to them leaving your site without completing the desired action.

Here are some ways reactance can manifest in website visitors:

  • Resisting recommendations or suggestions
  • Ignoring calls to action
  • Refusing to comply with rules or guidelines
  • Feeling annoyed or frustrated

Using Reactance to Your Advantage

While reactance can be a barrier to persuasion, it's also possible to use it to your advantage. By taking steps to minimize the perception of control and enhance the feeling of autonomy, you can reduce reactance and increase the likelihood of visitors taking the desired actions.

Here are some ways to use reactance to your advantage on your website:

1. Provide options and flexibility

Giving visitors multiple options and allowing them to choose what works best for them can help to reduce reactance. For example, allowing visitors to customize their experience or choose from different products or services can help them feel in control and increase their sense of autonomy.

2. Avoid using strong language

Using demanding or forceful language can trigger reactance, so it's important to avoid anything that seems like an ultimatum or a command. Instead, use language that is polite and respectful, such as "we recommend" or "we suggest" rather than "you must".

3. Frame choices as opportunities rather than restrictions

When presenting choices, focus on the positive aspects of each option and avoid making any choice seem like a restriction or limitation. For example, instead of saying "you can't do X without Y", say "by doing Y, you can do X even better."

4. Provide social proof

People are more likely to take actions if they see others doing the same. Using social proof can help to reduce reactance, as visitors see that the desired action is something that others have already done.


Reactance can be a powerful cognitive bias that can make it difficult to persuade website visitors to take the desired actions. However, by being mindful of how reactance can manifest and by taking steps to reduce its impact, you can increase your website's conversion rate and help visitors feel more in control of their experience. Remember, giving visitors the feeling of autonomy can go a long way in reducing resistance and increasing compliance.

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