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Projection bias

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Projection bias is when we assume that other people share our beliefs, values, knowledge, and assumptions. This cognitive bias can cause us to make inaccurate predictions and assumptions about the behavior of others, as we project our own beliefs and desires onto them. For example, a marketer may assume that because they personally prefer a certain product or feature, everyone else will too. Understanding and avoiding projection bias is important when designing and optimizing websites or products, as it allows us to more accurately identify and cater to the needs and preferences of our target audience.

Table of contents:
  1. What is Projection Bias?
  2. How Does Projection Bias Affect User Behavior?
    1. Delayed Gratification
    2. Overconfidence Bias
    3. Choice Bias
  3. How Can You Use Projection Bias to Improve Website Conversions?
    1. Highlight Future Benefits
    2. Create Sense of Urgency
    3. Offer Flexibility
  4. Conclusion

Understanding Projection Bias: How it Affects User Behavior and Website Conversions

In the world of conversion rate optimization, understanding the psychology of user behavior is crucial. One cognitive bias that plays a significant role in user behavior is the projection bias. In this article, we'll explore what projection bias is, how it affects user behavior, and how you can use it to improve your website conversions.

What is Projection Bias?

Projection bias is a cognitive bias that happens due to people projecting their current beliefs, preferences, and values onto their future preferences. In simpler terms, it means that people have difficulty predicting their future behavior accurately.

People usually make decisions based on their current state of mind, emotions, and environment. However, the future is uncertain, and people might change their priorities or values over time. Projection bias occurs when they assume that their future selves will have the same priorities and preferences as their present selves.

For example, a person who is on a diet might project their current cravings and appetite onto their future self and make a decision based on that projection. They might assume that they will still crave a piece of chocolate cake tomorrow, even though they might not want it when the time comes.

How Does Projection Bias Affect User Behavior?

Projection bias has many implications for user behavior, including their decision-making process, preferences, and purchasing behaviors. Here are a few ways that projection bias affects user behavior on websites:

Delayed Gratification

Projection bias affects people's ability to delay gratification. They might choose an immediate reward over a long-term one because they assume that their future selves will have the same priorities and preferences. For example, if a website offers a discount for signing up for a mailing list, people might choose to skip it because they project that they won't be interested in the future emails.

Overconfidence Bias

Projection bias can lead to overconfidence bias when people make predictions about themselves. They might overestimate their abilities or underestimate the future changes in their values and beliefs. For example, a user might assume that they will have more time to complete a task in the future, leading them to procrastinate.

Choice Bias

Projection bias can also affect people's decision-making process when it comes to choices. They might assume that their future selves will have the same preferences, resulting in biased decision-making. For example, a user might choose a product that matches their current preferences but might not be useful in the future.

How Can You Use Projection Bias to Improve Website Conversions?

Now that we've explored what projection bias is and how it affects user behavior, let's discuss how you can use it to improve your website conversions. Here are a few ways you can use projection bias to guide users towards conversions:

Highlight Future Benefits

One way to use projection bias is to highlight the future benefits of a product or service. People are more likely to take action when they see the future benefits of a product or service. For example, a website selling a fitness program might highlight the future benefits of being healthy and fit to motivate users to subscribe to the program.

Create Sense of Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency is another way to use projection bias. If people assume that their future selves will have the same preferences, they might be more likely to act in the present. For example, a website offering a limited-time discount might motivate users to take action because they assume that they won't have the same opportunity in the future.

Offer Flexibility

Offering flexibility is another way to use projection bias to guide users towards conversions. People are more likely to choose an option that provides flexibility instead of a rigid one. For example, a payment plan for a product might attract users who are unsure about their future financial situation.


Projection bias plays a significant role in user behavior, and it affects their decision-making process, preferences, and purchasing behaviors. By understanding projection bias, you can create effective strategies that appeal to your users and guide them towards conversions. Highlighting the future benefits, creating a sense of urgency, and offering flexibility can all be effective ways to use projection bias to improve your website conversions.

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