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Fitts's Law

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Fitts's Law is a cognitive bias that explains how the time required to move to a target area depends on the distance to the target and the size of the target. In other words, the larger the target and the closer it is, the easier it is to move to it. This bias is often applied in user interface design, where buttons or clickable areas are made larger and placed strategically to reduce the amount of time and effort required for the user to initiate an action.

Table of contents:
  1. Understanding Fitts's Law
  2. Applying Fitts's Law to UX Design
    1. 1. Use appropriate target sizes
    2. 2. Optimize for common actions
    3. 3. Use feedback to indicate target size
    4. 4. Minimize distance to targets
  3. Conclusion

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Using Fitts's Law to Improve User Experience

If you're familiar with user experience design, you've probably heard of Fitts's Law. This cognitive bias, discovered in 1954 by psychologist Paul Fitts, describes the relationship between the size of a target and the time it takes to move to it. In short, Fitts's Law states that larger targets are easier to hit and take less time to hit than smaller targets.

Fitts's Law has several practical applications for UX designers, especially when it comes to designing interfaces that require users to interact with targets of varying sizes. In this post, we'll take a closer look at Fitts's Law and explore how it can be used to improve user experience.

Understanding Fitts's Law

Fitts's Law can be expressed mathematically as follows:

MT = a + b log2 (D/W + 1)


  • MT is the movement time
  • a and b are constants
  • D is the distance between the starting point and the center of the target
  • W is the width of the target

In plain English, this formula tells us that movement time (MT) is influenced by both the distance to the target (D) and the size of the target (W). The formula is logarithmic, meaning that the effect of distance and size is not linear, but rather increases or decreases in magnitude based on their relative values.

To put this into context, imagine you're designing a smartphone app that requires users to tap on small icons to open different features. Based on Fitts's Law, it would be beneficial to make those icons as large as possible, since larger targets take less time to hit.

Applying Fitts's Law to UX Design

Fitts's Law has several practical implications for UX designers. Here are some examples of how it can be applied to improve user experience:

1. Use appropriate target sizes

As we've already established, larger targets are easier to hit than smaller targets. When designing an interface, consider the size and spacing of targets, especially when designing for touchscreens or other input devices.

For example, on a mobile device, buttons that are too small or too close together can lead to "fat finger" errors, where users accidentally tap the wrong button. To avoid this, make sure buttons are large enough and spaced out sufficiently to avoid accidental touches.

2. Optimize for common actions

Another implication of Fitts's Law is that common or important actions should be made larger and more prominent. This makes it easier for users to quickly access the actions they need and reduces their cognitive load while using the interface.

For example, on a music streaming app, the buttons for play, pause, and skip should be larger and easier to access than other, less critical buttons. This prioritizes the most important actions and makes the interface more user-friendly.

3. Use feedback to indicate target size

Since the size of a target is a critical factor in user performance, it's important to provide feedback to users indicating the size and location of targets. One way to do this is by highlighting or enlarging targets as users hover over them, giving them a better idea of where to click.

This feedback can be especially useful in interfaces with complex or non-standard layouts, where users may have trouble identifying the location of important actions on the page.

4. Minimize distance to targets

While target size is an important factor, it's not the only one that affects user performance. Distance to the target also plays a role, and can be minimized in some cases to improve usability.

For example, in an e-commerce checkout process, you could minimize the distance between the "Add to Cart" button and the shopping cart icon to make it easier for users to track their purchases. Combining this with an appropriate target size makes it more likely that users will find and successfully click the button.


Fitts's Law is an important cognitive bias for UX designers to understand, as it can help improve the usability and effectiveness of interfaces. By designing appropriate target sizes, optimizing for important actions, using feedback to indicate targets, and minimizing distance to targets, designers can make their interfaces more user-friendly and intuitive.

To summarize, Fitts's Law tells us that larger targets take less time to hit than smaller targets. By following its implications, designers can create interfaces that are easier to use and more effective.

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