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The CRO-tool blog

With the CRO-Tool blog, you will improve your CRO skills and A/B test results by learning more about psychology. This blog will have a wide range of blog posts all aimed at CRO.

Tapping into the Buyer’s Brain With Psychology-Driven Marketing

Posted on Nov 24, 2022

Ever read a site and think, “How would they do it? How would they know precisely what I’m thinking?” It’s jarring, yet additionally alluring. You don’t expect the person behind the PC screen to know what you need. When they do, you’re snared. The best advertisers use psychology to tap into a buyer’s brain. It's craftsmanship and a science. Here are some of the best and most used psychology-driven strategies in marketing.

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Beginner's Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Posted on Nov 17, 2022

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the way of increasing quality traffic to a website utilizing tactics like backlinks, keyword research, and meta descriptions. But how do you turn traffic into deals? That is the place where conversion rate optimization (CRO) comes in. What is CRO? Let's find out!

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How to increase your conversion rate?

Posted on Nov 10, 2022

When I review sites, I ask people about their #1 business target– the main action they need people to take on their website. Why? You can just evaluate a website against a target– how successful is it in achieving it? If you don’t have a target, you’re unlikely to improve the site. You can just improve what you can measure. Let's find out how to increase your conversion rate!

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Cognitive biases to avoid in User Research (and how to avoid them)

Posted on Nov 3, 2022

Cognitive biases have gotten quite popular in a standard culture in the last decade, on account of books like Thinking Fast and Slow and Predictably Irrational. Alongside human-centered approaches, it has also acquired quite a lot of prominence in Business design. Let's figure out which biases are best to avoid for user research!

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Cognitive bias cheat sheet

Posted on Oct 27, 2022

The Wikipedia page is somewhat of a tangled mess. Despite trying to ingest the information of this page many times over the long term, very little of it appears to stick. Let's simplify it and make it easier to digest!

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Psychological and Biological Approach to User Interfaces

Posted on Oct 20, 2022

Biological psychology is the investigation of the science of conduct; it centers around the sensory system, chemicals, and hereditary qualities. Biological psychology looks at the connection among the brain and body, neural components, and the impact of heredity on conduct. Let's figure out how to use this to increase conversions!

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UX & Psychology go hand in hand — Introduction to human Attention

Posted on Oct 13, 2022

As UX designers, we plan digital products that people interface with. When we are designing these items, we invest a lot of time in various research methods to understand the behavior, habits, and necessities of our users. To be intentionally used, we need to understand the process of human perception. The motivation of this article is to understand the concept, function, and kinds of visual attention and to utilize this knowledge in regular product design.

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What are the 8 most successful Conversion Rate Metrics that you should make use of?

Posted on Oct 6, 2022

As a digital marketer, you might have come across a vast spectrum of conversion rate metrics to track your performance. This article is completely dedicated for the purpose of saving you from the misery of determining the most important conversion rate metrics out of the sheer number of ones out there. Let's get started!

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Complete guide on A/B testing

Posted on Sep 29, 2022

A/B testing is running two versions of a same web page simultaneously to determine which version exactly generates more leads or works better towards more conversions. So how do you do this? Let's find out!

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What is the A/B test hypothesis?

Posted on Sep 22, 2022

We all know that A/B testing is about comparing the performance of a certain element of a webpage of its current version against the modified version to determine which version acts better towards Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). What is this so-called hypothesis? Well, to put in the simplest terms, hypothesis is the way you plan to make improvements to a selected element of a webpage. Let's discover how to use it!

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