Home The CRO-tool blog How To Use Heatmaps To Improve Digital Products?

How To Use Heatmaps To Improve Digital Products?

Posted on Jul 29, 2022

Heat maps have quite marked its fame as a great tool for Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). Yet leveraging them in accordance with your audience to generate more value is the key to success. So here is everything that you should know about heat maps to boost conversions. Stay tuned!

What is a heatmap?

Heat maps were originally developed by Cormac Kinney back in the mid-ninety to cater the requirements in the financial markets. However, in the contemporary scenario of Conversion Rate optimization (CRO), heat maps are used to record user interactions done by the mouse or the track pads and to quantify them with a quite appealing visual representation.

Certainly, there are different types of heat maps to serve the purpose in different ways and having an understanding of each is quite useful for us to make the best of them. Here we go!

#1 Hover maps to track mouse movement

As the name implies, the areas mostly hovered by the visitors with their mouse cursors can be tracked using hover maps. However, the key assumption made in the usage is that people look over the places where they hover, which impose the question, ‘could that really be the case always?’

You may argue on the possibility that visitors may look at stuff that are not hovered over or, visitors may pay really less attention to the things that they hover over. Yes, your argument is totally valid. And how exactly do you know whether the mouse traces are synchronized with eye traces? Well, you don’t know it! That’s why you shouldn’t solely depend on their statistics to alter your designs.

Some digital marketers use algorithm-generated heat maps to calculate the levels of visibility of certain elements of an image, yet it was proven that such algorithms are not sensitive enough to track the distinct differences between designs. However, algorithm-generated heat maps can provide some useful data on how visitors interact with low-traffic websites.

#2 Scroll maps to track the scrolling behaviors

Scroll maps give you important data such as when visitors tend to give up scrolling a selected web page.

You can make the most use of scroll maps in longer landing pages as many visitors tend to completely scroll through the short pages, but for the long page it is most likely to be otherwise.

Abrupt changes of the colors of scroll maps provide you with important data on where exactly many visitors failed to perceive the connection to the proceeding content. In such places, you can include navigation arrows to make them read through the entire content. Remember, longer the visitors spend time on your website, greater the possibility for Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is!

Moreover, you can use scroll maps to get an idea on prioritizing the content based on user preferences. Using scroll maps wisely gives you important data towards your attempts of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO).

#3 Attention maps

As the name implies, attention maps give a clear understanding on the page areas which are mostly viewed by the browser of the visitor. The key importance is such data is presented after having a thorough analysis on vertical as well as horizontal scrolling. Moreover, attention maps are ideal for you to obtain knowledge on how long the visitors stay on the page. Unlike hover maps and click maps (which we are going to discuss in a while), attention maps give u quite useful data because you can track how well the key elements of the web pages are visible to the end users and such data is ideal to fine tune the design, keeping the users in mind.

#4 Click maps

Click maps provide you with absolutely important data on what is working and what isn’t in your design. There are a few color indicators in click maps such as bright red, yellow, red and blue indicating most clicks to fewer clicks respectively in the range.

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And it indeed is a great tool for Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). Think about it! If a certain graphic gets a lot of clicks, but not the links, you can simply change that certain graphic into a link without making it look like one.  Moreover, you can easily track the trends of user behavior by obtaining click map data to boost Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO).

Key lessons learnt from heat maps towards CRO

  • Left side of a web page is the most focused part in a web page. Embed your key elements there!
  • The top of the page should hold the most important content/ data on the users’ perspective.
  • Visual content attracts men and informational content attracts women the most.
  • Automated image carousels and sliders kill conversions.
  • Images attract most users’ attention.
  • Visitors are attracted mostly by the summarized content of a full article than the full article itself.
  • You can use contrasting to guide the visitors to a desired element in the web page.

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